
Domestic Multi-Media Water Filtration System

Vessel: FRP Pentair, Belgium/India,USA

Control Valve: Pentair/ Clack USA

Activated Carbon: Jacoby

Flow Rate: 10 GPM up to 400 GPM

In/Out let: 1” up to 4”


AquaPro Domestic FRP Multi-Media, consisting of layers of such natural elements as garnet, sand, and anthracite: Used for the reduction of sediment and oxidized iron, multi-media filters are slowly being replaced by newer granular zeolite media.

Granular Activated Carbon. For chlorine and chloramine reduction, taste/odor improvement, general chemical reduction. Carbon can also remove sediment and even iron if the iron is pretreated properly. It is the most commonly used medium for hydrogen sulfide reduction. Granular carbon is the preferred treatment for many chemical contaminants. It is perhaps the most versatile and universal of filter media.

Birm. For reduction of iron and manganese, under the right conditions. As iron media go, Birm is relatively light in weight and hence easy to backwash. It is also low in cost, so it’s a popular iron medium although it has some drawbacks. A pH of at least 6.8 is normally required for Birm to remove iron.

Silica Sand filtration is primarily used for the removal of suspended matter. The yield in this case varies between 50 and 99.99%, depending on whether support aids are used. In addition to suspended matter, COD, BOD, organically bound nitrogen and phosphate, and undissolved metals are also removed from the wastewater.

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